Sean Rice and Amaia Osama win the Gold in 2016 Eurochallenge organized by the CN La Vila

This weekend was held at the Yacht Club of Villajoyosa (Alicante) the 8th Eurochallenge Surfski competition (in the calendar of the European Cup and World Championship Kayak).

South African Sean Rice win the gold for the second consecutive year. He took 1:37:35 from Altea til Villajoyosa.

Walter Bouzan took silver (1:41:08) and the bronze went to the Olympic veteran, also South African, Oscar Chalupsky (1:41:57).

Fourth, fifth and sixth place were: Bruno Guerreiro Gomes Portuguese, South African and Spanish Kenneth Rice Kiko Vega.  

The basque Amaia Osama win women section ranked first (2:02:01), followed by the Scottish Bunnet Chloe (2:02:55) and the Spanish Raquel Bota (2:09:28).

In fourth, fifth and sixth place were: Sofia Semedo (Portugal); Khatim Marchante Chebbi and Sandra Casamayor (K2); and Lizelle Kemp (Scotland).  

In tests Lifesaving Women 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively were classified: Raquel Boot, Chloe and Mary Vaello Bunnet respectively.   Men won Kenneth Rice, Martin Gonzalez and Juan Ignacio Soler. ALBUM with all the pictures on Facebook and Instagram

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